Thursday, June 9, 2016

Project 10- Yearbook

           For this project we used the application Adobe Indesign and Adobe Photoshop CS6. This project required us to use our visual skills and creativity. In this project we worked in groups of 5. I was placed as there leader and it was the first time I was placed as leader. This project was stressful but fun at the same time. We made a plan before hand but we still had difficulty completing to on time. On my behalf I would say it was sort of difficult for me because one of my members did not do anything. I know as a leader, you should  encourage your members and create a positive atmosphere. I kept trying to encourage him to get involved with us and help us come up with ideas but he did not make an effort to contribute some of his ideas. As a group we were having difficulty deciding a theme we all agreed upon. As a result, we decided to have Family as our theme. We felt that this was a perfect theme because the web design academy is a family. With Family as our theme, we are able to find more inspiration to create our yearbook.
          In this project, one may think its easy to complete it because there are 5 members in a group. However, I believe its harder to work in a group because everyone must contribute and agree as a group on which features to add. When someone does not contribute it makes it quite hard. Although, it was hard to work in groups it is a good idea to experience working in groups because you get to learn how to work in teams. It strengthens your communication skills. I really liked this project because we were able to see all the memories we shared together through the pictures we used in our yearbook. This project made us realize how much the class means to us. Its not the same as any other class because in our web design class we create joyful memories full of laughter that no other academy experiences. We all get along and work together. We're family and we're are proud to say we are part of the web design academy. Once finishing our yearbook, I was proud of the work we have done, we may have been able to improve it but we were running out of time. I really liked how we played out our yearbook and how the cover of our yearbook looked like. I know we should have used ore consistency throughout our yearbook. In this project I learned that we must always make a plan and go with the plan instead of procrastinating. I believe we took a long time and had difficulty completing our project because we got distracted  taking pictures of each other while doing work. Overall, I loved doing this project because everyone was able to bond with one another.

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