Thursday, June 9, 2016


        When creating the portfolio we used the application Adobe Acrobat Pro. I would say this was a fun and interesting project because we never used the application Adobe Acrobat Pro. As our final project I think it was a great project to end this semester. After so much hard work an completing lab after lab and projects after projects, we were finally able to put all our work in a portfolio. It was interesting because we did not create our portfolio by printing our work but by doing it interactively. I feel like for a day working on this project, I created a decent portfolio.  I know I could have improved by adding descriptions to my portfolio. When I have the time I know I should add the descriptions because I know it will allow me to see my labs/ projects as well as the reflection journals I made for every assignment I did. When creating my portfolio I tried customizing it as much as I could. I did not want a solid background. Therefore, I used a cookie monster background because as a child I always liked cookie monster. Thus, creating a portfolio allowed me to see the progress I have made this year. I never expected myself to do labs/projects in application I have never used before. I was never able to see what I was capable of doing until now. I know in the future I am going to obtain more skills and broaden my knowledge. I cannot wait for junior year.

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