Monday, October 5, 2015

What is Web Design?

           Web Design is the process of creating websites which can have simple or complex HTMLs. Web designing includes aspects such as webpage layout, content production, and graphic design. Webpages are made up of HTML's, which have tags that define the contents and metadata of each page. Some web designers can either hand code pages (typing HTML or CSS) to they can use a WYSIWYG editor like Adobe Dreamweaver. Applications alike Adobe Dreamweaver can provide a visual interface for designing the web paging layout because the software automatically generates the corresponding HTML and CSS code. Also, you can use management systems like WordPress or Joomla, which provide different website templates that can be used a s a starting point for a new website. Graphic Design plays a big role in web designing, except images must be created separately. An individuals creativity also plays a big role in creating webpages because the individual has to think about the layout and the quality of its page. They have to create a good quality webpage which have to fascinate and satisfy customers.

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