Friday, October 9, 2015

HW- Creativity (Podcast)

                 After listening to the Ted Radio Hour Podcast, I know this podcast relates to web design because in web design you must have the desire to take risks. Meaning that an individual should just follow their curiosity and not fear of the possible criticism others might give them. Everybody is able to access curiosity and creativity if you put your heart into it. If you are left alone for a while, you can be capable of creating new ideas and let your fear get the ability to get out of your way.  Fear is one of the main reasons people are scared to use their creativity, but being fearless should not be believed because if you love what you are doing and suppress your whole brain from fear, you would only think about what YOU think is the best and well make you pat the back of your shoulder once you have completed your work.  For instance, if you are designing the layout of a webpage, you must use your creativity and be confident about the colors and subjects you use because YOU are the pro, you are the one who is creating a new great idea. This does not only apply to web design but to other careers such as sing writing. When you write a song you express the emotions you feel and no matter what other people think about the songs lyrics, you know its a great song because it the lyrics hold a specific meaning to it. This is the same for web design. At certain times individuals are afraid of not being able to over pass their previous works. For example, if your creation becomes a one hit wonder, but then you make another creation but it isn't that successful, the individual will lose confidence and will be afraid of using their creativity again. It is fine if you do not always top a creation one after another. Just as the Ted Radio Hour Podcast said, " Fear and creativity are like twins, fear can kill creativity."

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