Monday, October 5, 2015

Rectangular Marquee vs. Elliptical Marquee

               The rectangular and elliptical marquee tool are both tools which can be found in Adobe Photoshop CS6. These two photoshop selection tools are designed for making selections based on simple geometric shapes and are often the most useful ones. The rectangular marquee tool is designed for making selections based on simple geometric shapes. Some common options that can be see to modify its rectangular shape is by defining its selections opposing corners of a drag motion, allowing a certain a sect ratio to be maintained, and allowing a specific hight/or width to be defined. On the other hand, the elliptical marquee tool is designed to allow individuals to draw oval or circular selections. If you know how to use the rectangular marquee tool, then you'll be able to handle the elliptical marquee tool just as well. To select a round area, you hold on to the shift key while clicking and dragging. I believe the rectangular marquee tool is the most favorable and easiest one to use than the elliptical marquee tool because they have sharp, non rounded corners, making it easier to select. Although, the elliptical tool is also good, people may have a more harder time using it based on its circular edges. Individuals may make more mistakes using the elliptical tool and it seems to me that this tool is barely used. Overall, both of these tools have its advantages and disadvantages, it all depends in the situation you are in.

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