Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years Resolution

            New Year new me, mostly every person on earth says. As a new year begins, everyone person starts to create resolutions to achieve within the new year. Although, individuals tend to create goals for themselves sometimes they do not achieve their goals due to the insufficiency of not specifically explaining how they are going to achieve their goal. For this new year I have two major resolutions i want to achieve within this year. One for school and outside of school. My resolution that can be applied to school is participating more and loosing my shyness. I can usually be social with others but at times I'm scared of participating in class and sharing my thoughts because I'm scared what others may think. But as my new years resolution I want to boost up my confidence and participate more by answering question I am fully sure I know the answer to or if I am truly confident of my work. I want to start participating in my geometry class or english class first because I feel most confident in those classes. 
           Another new years resolution is doing more productive things at home. I believe I can mostly apply this new years resolution at home. Most of the time I tend to use to my phone often at home texting my friends instead of being capable of using all those hours to do something more productive. I rally want to start using most of my time  making sketches and designing clothes because someone day I want to learn fashion. I think its better to start now then never or than starting too late. I plan to achieve this goal by shutting my phone of completely and me distancing myself away from my phone or at least limit myself to using my phone up to an hour. I want to use all my extra time to use my creativity or studying and reviewing notes for classes. I do not want to waste my time using my phone on my spare time and later regretting it. 

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