Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Project 3- Photo Restoration Reflection Journal

               In project 3, we had to incorporate some of the skills and tools we learned in lab 6. For this given project we used the application Adobe Photoshop CS6. This project was a bit different from the previous projects we have done because we were given a photo which had many stains on the background and on the two girls faces, arms, and hair. The photo we were given, focused on two little girls and we had to retouch all the stains, located all over the photo. I only used the patch tool, clone stamp tool, and the healing brush tool to complete this project. I used the patch tool when it required me to get rid of the stains from the girls hair. However, the first step I took in completing this project was getting rid of the stains from the background. I did this by using the clone stamp tool, cloning the blue colored background onto the stains. Next, I used the clone stamp tool again to get rid of the stains in the white blanket, located at the bottom. Since part of the fingers from one girl was missing, I used the clone stamp tool again to fill in the missing part of the finger. Afterwards, I moved on to use the healing brush tool. I used the healing brush tool to get rid of the stains in the girls arms and part of the stains located in the face. I barely used it on the face because at times it made the face look bruised. Therefore, for the face I used a mix of both the patch tool and history brush. The girl on the left side had her whole lips stained. Due to this, I had to use the patch tool by using destination and not source, I patched the lips of the girl to the right and then moved the copy onto the lips of the other girl. After this, the lips still did not look as great so I tried fixing it a little bit by using the clone stamp to try to fill in parts of the lips. Furthermore, I used the patch ( using destination) too as well to patch one of the eyes from the girl to the right and locate it to the left eye of the girl loved to the left because her left eye was great stained.
               I was not able to finish this project. However, even though I couldn't finish this project, I did boy doing this project very much. It was a bit difficult to get rid of some stains but I found it fun. I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to finish retouching the photo because I believed I was doing a good job. In this project I learned something new, I learned the that you can use the patch tool in two ways, either using source or destination. Source is when you patch something and it disappears and when you use destination, when you patch something it's sort of like duplicating the subject you patched and moving it to the destined place you want. When doing this project I found that the most easiest part was getting rid of the stains in the background because it had a big space in which you cannot mess up. I was scared to do the hair because I thought it was going to be very hard because I did not really know how to use the patch tool. However, this project has helped me further improve my skills and understanding in using the patch tool. I believe this project made us think more because we had to use the right tools in order to make the photos look original. By original I mean not retouching the photo in a way that it seems like we edited, by using the right tools, we do not have to over edit the photo. We have to make the photo look realistic. Most of my classmates wanted to finish the project on time, so they just patch the face of the girl to the right and used destination to put it on the girl to the left. I did not do this. A reason for not doing this was because each girl may look similar, like twins, but they have features that distinguish them from each other. Therefore, I tried using other tools to get rid of the stains, even though patching the face could have made the job quicker. In this project you need to have the patience, work hard, and take your time. Additionally, to improving my understanding on the patch tool, I also managed to get work on my patience. I'm glad with the progress I made. With this project I have learned to be more patient and use my time wisely. This will help me in the future because this project has taught me some of the skills magazine editors have to do on a daily bases, which is not as easy and quick to accomplish. Project 3, has shown me a career I may be interested in the future.

            Original                                                           Retouch                                                                                                


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