Monday, November 9, 2015

HW- Note Taking

           Our whole lives, we have been required to take notes. Note taking is very important because notes help us review a certain topic and when we need to refresh our minds, we could just look back at the notes taken. At school, when taking notes, we have to use the Cornell note taking format. On the left side of my notes, I write important key words I know I should remember and are going to be appear often throughout the curriculum. On the right side, I write the definition of words. However, if I know I am having a hard time remembering or understanding a term, I put a star next to that term.  I find the Cornell Note taking format to be a great method of organizing notes because it helps us organize notes in a simple and neat manner. At times although I take notes in class, I do not understand or reminder anything discussed in class. Therefore, I rewrite my notes to help me remember the terms learned in class. When taking notes it's very immoral to write down the definition of a term, in words you comprehend. If you write down the definition of a term with a language (or use of words) you do not understand, then its useless taking notes. Everyone has a different method of taking notes and using those notes to understand a certain topic.

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