Monday, May 23, 2016

Project 9 Newsletter Reflection

           In this project we were suppose to create a newsletter. This project required us to work in teams and use every individuals skills into one to create a great newspaper. The application we used was Adobe Indesign CS6. Indesign allowed us to layout our newspaper in an organized way because Indesign is like a place where you just add all your graphics or text to create any form of materials such as brochures, newsletters, ads, books and business cards. In addition, Indesign allowed us to  package our file in order to share it with any of our teammates. This was an important factor in creating the newsletter as a group because each of us had to make our own spreadsheet based on the subtopic we were given. In this case my group decided to do our newsletter about art. In our newsletter we decided to have 3 subtopics relating to the topic art which were articles based on art paintings, sculptures, anime and music. We all decided to do our spreads based on the subtopic we were most interested in. I chose to write about sculptures because I have always been interested in sculptures and the stories behind them and its sculptor. After completing our spreads we had to package our file and send it to the leader (chief editor) so she could combine all of our work into one.

          Overall, I loved my team and the topic we chose to do. At first I was sort of scared and nervous of doing the project as a group because in our previous projects we worked independently. However, this time we were introduced to a new task which was working in groups, my group had 5 members including myself. At first my group was not taking it seriously we thought we had a sufficient amount of time to finish the newsletter but as the days passed nay we realized we were wrong. Towards the last week we were rushing and were under great pressure to complete our project. We were afraid we were not going to finish the project on time. I believed we had trouble organizing ourselves because at first we kept changing the subtopics we were going to write about and we kept procrastinating. As a result, I did like our final result because I like how we organized our spreads and I definitely liked the background we used for our pages. Although, I liked our newsletter I feel like we could have worked on the cover of the newsletter more in order to make it better. During this lab investigation I learned how to wrap texting; how to wrap text around an image. But most importantly I learned the idea of team work. The idea of team work is something that will be useful to me in the future. Before I believed I could only work independently and that working in groups was the worst thing that could happen to me because in previous years when I would work in groups it always turn ed out bad. Nevertheless, this project allowed me to believe that team work is a very important factor that we must all know because we must all know how to communicate with others and combine all of our ideas with others to create something magnificent. Team work is the key to success.